Breast Reduction Surgery

Most women who get breast reduction are very satisfied with the results. Women who have gigantic Brest will have problem like shoulder pain,neck pain,drooping of shoulders, intertrigo like problems.

Your surgeon will tell you about the

Your Consultation About Breast Reduction Surgery

Before breast reduction surgery, you will consult your surgeon. During your consultation, you'll talk about your medical history, including whether or not you've had a lump removed from your breast or have any other medical conditions that affect your breasts. Your surgeon will also ask you about your family's medical history.

Be completely open with the surgeon about your medical history and why you're seeking a breast reduction. Be prepared to discuss any emotional issues you've dealt with regarding your breasts, how your breasts have physically felt to you, and any physical conditions you've had.

The surgeon may take photos of your breasts, measure them, and talk with you about how much breast tissue will need to be removed to achieve your goal. You will also learn about preparing for the surgery and planning for your recovery. You may get a mammogram and breast exam before the surgery.