Buccal fat pad removal surgery is a plastic surgery procedure to proportionately remove buccal fat pad tissues for the reduction of prominent or protruding ckeeks.
Buccal fat pads are present at deep tissues inside the oral cavity rather than at the superficial fat layer under the skin. These develop post the development of puberty and don’t change much with body weight. Buccal fat pads become more prominent and protrude from the face due to excess weight or natural ageing effects or if the fat pad loosens making the lower cheek to appear saggy and bulging. To alleviate the weight loads inside the cheeks, buccal fat pad removal is suggested to the patients, thus to prevent future buccal sagging as well.
The reduction of buccal fat pads is performed under a general anaesthesia. The surgery involves ½ cm incision at the buccal mucosa inside the oral cavity to extract fat. The plastic surgeon then applies manual pressure to the exterior of the cheeks that then pushes the buccal fat pad to protrude to the interior of the mouth. The surgeon then extracts the required amount of tissue from the buccal fat pad to achieve the desired cheek reduction.
The buccal fat pad removal surgery is a 30 minutes procedure and needs 2-3 days to recover. On the day of the surgery no food and water intake is permitted till 6 hours after surgery, post which liquid and soft food intake is allowed. Food that are hard to chew must be avoided for 1 week post surgery and smoking & alcohol should be avoided for 1 month post surgery.