Spinal Tumor Treatment

A spinal tumor is abnormal growth of the cell in the spinal column of an individual. It is of two types: primary and secondary. The primary tumor originates in the spine itself but is very rare occurring. The secondary tumor originates elsewhere and spreads to the spinal column. The primary tumor is benign (non-cancerous) in nature and the secondary tumors are malignant (cancerous). The Usual symptom of spinal tumor is severe back pain that is unrelated to movement. In addition to this, the back pain cannot be improved with rest or physical rehabilitation. The other symptoms include sciatica, numbness, and partial paralysis. The basis of treatment depends on the degree of severity and location of the tumor in the spinal column.

  • The treatment of the spinal tumor varies from patient to patient depending on the medical condition, preferences of the patient, tumor type and presence of paralysis.
  • Any treatment plan emphasizes on the reduction of pain, maximizing neurological function and patient’s life quality.
  • Non- surgical treatment includes chemotherapy and or radiation therapy.
  • * Tumor resection
  • * Neurological decompression
  • * Surgical stabilization of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine.
  • * Vertebroplasty and Radiofrequency ablation
  • * Cryotherapy