Prostate & Urethral Cancer

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer affects the prostate gland, the gland that produces some of the fluid in semen and plays a role in urine control in men.


There are usually no symptoms during the early stages of prostate cancer. However, if symptoms do appear, they usually involve one or more of the following:

frequent urges to urinate, including at night

difficulty commencing and maintaining urination

blood in the urine

painful urination and, less commonly, ejaculation

difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection may be difficult

Advanced prostate cancer can involve the following symptoms:

bone pain, often in the spine, femur, pelvis, or ribs

bone fractures

If the cancer spreads to the spine and compresses the spinal cord, there may be:

leg weakness

urinary incontinence

fecal incontinence

Urethral Cancer

When you use the bathroom, urine moves from your bladder through a tube called the urethra.

The urethra goes through the prostate and the penis in men. In women, the tube is shorter and ends just above the opening to the vagina. If you have urethral cancer, cells in the area grow abnormally and out of control.

Symptoms of Urethral Cancer

You may not have any symptoms at first. Over time, you might notice it’s hard for you to pee. Maybe you have a weak urine flow or can’t hold it when you do have to go. Or perhaps you go to the bathroom more often, especially at night.

You might see blood in the toilet or notice a discharge from your urethra. A swollen spot or a painless lump may appear in your groin or penis. These aren’t always signs of cancer, but can be signs of something else. See your doctor to know for sure.