Ear Reconstruction

Ear Reconstruction Surgery

Ear defects can occur due to different reasons such as:

  • Trauma
  • Cancer ablation
  • Prominent ears
  • Congenital hypoplasia (microtia)

Incomplete embrynonic development is the main cause for microtia. It is a congenital defect that affect the ear. The severity of the issue can vary accordingly. There are different reconstruction surgeries and procedures for these kinds of birth defect. The three main ear reconstruction methods are:

  • Otoplasty
  • Microtia Repair
  • Ear defect

Treating microtia is comparatively a difficult task. It involves a multi-faceted approach. The surgeon will first thoroughly go through and understand the condition.

The first step of the surgery is to make an incision just behind the ear. This is the place where the ear get joined to the head. Required amount of cartilage and skin will be removed. Surgeon will take out cartilage from chest, shape it and then place it at the site. Second stage includes elevation of this framework. Third stage includes lobular reconstruction.

Other Option includes prosthetic ear or osteo integrated ear implant.

In Otoplasty the surgeon will trim the cartilage in order to give the desired shape. After that, the surgeon will pin back the cartilage with permanent sutures to secure the cartilage. Sometimes, the surgeon may not remove any cartilages and instead, he/she may use stitches to hold the cartilage permanently in the right place.

The surgery will be carried out under anesthesia. You will experience mild discomfort after completing the procedure. Headbands are recommended sometimes in order to hold the ears in the desired position. Risks are minimal for ear reconstruction surgery. Scars may be visible behind ears even after healing. It is vital to have proper follow-up care after the surgery. Anything unusual should be reported to the doctor immediately after the surgery.